Thursday, October 4, 2012

Through A Dark Night

With trembling heart I call,
But do You hear at all?
And don’t You know my fears,
My sorrows and my tears?

Won’t You answer my prayer,
Or don’t You really care?
Do words spoken with sigh,
Just dissipate and die?

You told me to draw near,
And that I’m cherished dear.
You said You’d see me through,
To cast my cares on You.

Why does it sometimes seem,
I’m alone on this team?
Why feel I in my prayer,
You’d rather I not share?

A broken heart is hard,
For king, scholar, or bard.
But the pain reaches bone,
When suffering alone.

But am I without aid,
And must I be afraid?
Now can’t I at the last,
Count blessings from the past?
Shall I abandon trust,
To wallow in the dust?
Shall I retreat and hide,
As though I thought You’d lied?

Though in sin oft I’ve drowned,
You’ve never let me down.
My loyalty has waned,
But Yours is never feigned.

Back to my feet I climb,
For You act in Your time.
Rising up from the floor,
I’m stronger than before.

Confident in Your might,
I know You do what’s right.
Who does what You can do?
I’ll gladly wait for You!

Heaven Declares

It’s everywhere my eyes alight,
A sun drenched day or darkest night.
It’s in the very air I breathe,
And in the sound of rustling leaves.

I see it when a bird takes flight,
In a frothing wave’s crashing might.
I hear it in the thunder’s sound,
And as the raindrops plummet down.

I see it in the lighting’s flash,
And in the rabbit’s sudden dash.
I hear the ocean tell the tale,
In duet with the wind’s strong gale.

I can see it in every face,
And hear its sound in every place.
The proof of God surrounds us all,
And beckons with its awesome call.

Name the god who compares to ours,
Creator of earth and the stars.
So give me strength to gladly share,
The very thing heaven declares!

Look Deep In The Eyes Of Jesus

Look deep in the eyes of Jesus.
Be careful to note what you see.
Do not tremble to gaze within,
Ageless eyes of eternity.

See in His eyes a wisdom deep,
Exceeding that of everyone.
Try to fathom the awesome depth,
Within the Father’s only Son.

See in His eyes a love so true.
Exalt that you its object be!
Marvel at its expression now,
Twas why He was nailed to a tree.

See in His eyes a willingness,
To subjugate self to the end.
His Father’s will was everything,
And from it Christ did never bend.

See in His eyes compassion now,
As His gaze rests upon this earth.
Feel His longing for every man,
To understand his soul’s true worth.

See in His eyes a burning hate,
For the evil that plagues this land.
Soon its ruin will be complete,
Tis why there are scars on His hands.

See in His eyes a gentle smile,
Hand resting on our holy Tome.
Hear the joy in His lovely voice,
As He welcomes the faithful home.

We never fail to meet His eyes,
On each and every Divine page.
Let us rejoice that they impart,
Wisdom beyond the wisest sage.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Just Yesterday

Alexander begins in school today,
And I must confess a sense of dismay.
With his eyes so bright he can't wait to start,
While his daddy looks in with wistful heart.

New experiences greet my son's sight.
Just yesterday I held him that first night.
He smiles so wide while I'm nearly struck dumb.
Just yesterday he learned to squeeze my thumb.

I know it can't stay exactly the same.
Just yesterday he learned to say my name.
He's striding now so excited and tall.
Just yesterday my boy learned how to crawl.

Now off he goes with his markers and chalk.
Just yesterday he learned how to walk.
All I know to ask is where went the time?
Just yesterday he learned how to climb.

This is the the way of things, I know its true,
And I thrill at those smiling eyes of blue.
Now his life will change and he'll start to dream.
Just yesterday will be a constant theme.

Daddy loves you, buddy!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Why does good happen to the bad?

Why does bad happen to the good?
There's suffering across this earth!
Why doesn't God act as He should?
Of divine love there seems a dearth.

The assumption made is just wrong,
For no sinner is truly pure.
We stand among a filthy throng,
As dirty as a muddy floor.

And even though we can be cleansed,
Our robes white and shining anew.
We're quickly soiled by sin again,
Gulping deep its sickening brew.

His ocean of forgiveness lives,
And none can plumb that endless deep.
Do we consider what He gives?
How often we have made Him weep?

What has God ever done for me?
This question from a mind grown dim.
Yet truly the question should be,
What have I ever done for Him?

It is He who tells what is right,
And no one stands without a flaw.
Imperfections mount in our sight,
Who among us will never fall?

Why does bad happen to the good?
This query from hearts grieved and mad.
But let us answer as we should,
Why does good happen to the bad?

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A Morning Prayer

Father, help my love for brethren grow with each new day.
Let that love reflect and shine in every word I say.
Grant that I might serve a need as I become aware,
Of a dear saint stumbling under a load they need to share.

Father, increase my willingness to hear disagreement or complaint.
Grant me now the humility to accept correction from a saint.
Remove pride and arrogance from deep in my heart within.
Never let me be wise to self for that would be a sin.

Father, increase my awareness of those laboring with me in the Lord.
Let us grow and be joined as one through the hope your grace affords.
A son of encouragement I would be so please help me in that quest,
To lift a brother up from the muck, help a sister to find rest.

Father, faithful to Your Word is my longing in this life.
Help me within my home to lead my children and my wife.
Never let me falter from clinging fast unto Your will,
But holding firm with both hands in times of turbulence and still.

Father, forgive the mistakes that I have made and likely will again.
Help me to consider what I am now in light of what I've been.
Let gratitude grip my heart and loyalty my ways,
And let my name be "Reliable" all throughout my days.

My very soul belongs to You, my salvation in Your grasp.
So plant my feet by streams of joy, enduring to the last.
My thoughts rise above the earth and to the heaven's soar,
For I cannot wait to see what my dear Father has in store!

Monday, August 20, 2012

I'll Not Wilt!

Another month, another failure.
Perfection is so elusive!
Another month besieged by error.
Temptation is so intrusive!

And so cracked and flawed I journey on,
Not as strong as I'd like to be.
Morning to night and then back to dawn,
Sin crouches close to prey on me.

And yet despite my imperfection,
I never fear that all is lost.
As I tarry now in reflection,
I contemplate salvation's cost.

With renewed focus on my Savior,
A certain truth comes to my mind.
Clear improvement in my behavior,
His example my heart refines.

Oh yes, I still stumble now and then,
Though far less than before.
And whenever I feel my will bend,
I know to find the escape door.

Recalling success empowers me,
Strengthens for the imminent tilt.
Faith founded resolution is key,
When sins knocks again, I'll not wilt!

Friday, August 17, 2012

A Lazy Autumn Day

Leaves of gold and brown dance slowly and sway.
A soft rain falls this lazy Autumn day.
A hint of cold accompanies the breeze,
Its rustling whisper passing through the trees.

The rainwater gives the pavement a glow,
As it fall from on high to splash below.
A squirrel seeking shelter leaps to a limb,
Which bends in protest, so brittle and slim.

This window frames a scene of change and awe.
I delight in each perfection and flaw.
Though oer'cast and gloomy this day may be,
There's genius and beauty in all I see.

But a few more days before seasons' flight,
And this window's view will frame a new site.
The process repeats again and again.
What we call new has yet already been.

I know not how many seasons I'll see,
Nor how many days are stored up for me.
I know not the date I return to dust,
Yet the Maker of it all has my trust.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Wondrous Journey

Not a care as sin consumed me.
Not a care as I stood bound.
Wretched, lost, condemned, and guilty.
When thorough grace by Christ was found.
Then  His light pierced through the darkness,
From sins chains I'm finally free!
Blest, forgiven, marching upward,
Wondrous grace has rescued me!

Praying daily faith grows stronger,
With His Word I cannot fall.
Time grows short, Oh how much longer,
Till we hear archangel's call?
Will you be among that number,
Who will meet Him in the air?
Blessed thought when comes life's troubles,
Where He is I'll soon be there.

If the sun should cease its shining,
If the stars fall from the sky,
If the oceans dry to nothing,
If the winds should fail and die,
Still my faith will never waver,
and my love will not grow cold!
How can I turn from my Savior,
Who has promised streets of gold?

As the years keep multiplying,
As smooth flesh begins to line,
as old mem'ries fade in darkness,
head on pillow one last time.
Still my thoughts will soar to heaven,
Wondrous treasure for me stored!
As the angel's come to greet me,
Final thought, "O, thank you, Lord!"

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Longing For Home

Just faintly I hear the joyful cry,
Of saved one's gone home no more to die.
Just faintly my eyes have strength to see,
A world of no pain all sorrow free.

With scarce the mind to fathom such thoughts,
And soul frequent stained by sins dark blots,
In wonder I thrill and know tis true,
That faith in Your Son will see me through.

Let heavenly glory fill my soul,
Walking streets of gold my only goal.
With awakened eyes make me to see,
The river, the throne, the wondrous tree.

No man can travel this path alone,
Even with a faith mature and grown.
Without a scarred hand clasping my own,
My steps will falter and lips will groan.

I hope for heaven with all my might.
My heart yearns to dwell where is no night.
With longing near too intense to bear,
I scarce can wait to worship You there!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Emptiness In Every Man

There is an emptiness in every man,
No denying that it exists.
It is a void that must be occupied,
Filling it every man's wish.

Yet most know not where to look,
How to identify the cure.
In vanity they grope below,
Blind to the open door.

He must fill that void with something,
To earthly pursuits he flies.
To money, work, and family,
Yet still a longing sigh.

Perhaps he will go further still,
To pursuits that wound and pain.
Will he pursue the "higher" goals,
financial success and worldly fame?

Will he achieve some satisfaction,
Or will he suffer discipline's rod?
More importantly will he realize
That his void is shaped like God?

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Will I Make My Master Plead?

Must our God plead for workers,
To plant Gospel seed today?
Must He beg us now to speak,
With this world in Satan's sway?

Is there no one left to hear,
Our Lord's most merciful voice?
Are they all already saved,
Who would make the Lord their choice?

Does His blood no longer cleanse,
Those hearts grieved because of sin?
Can His light no longer reach,
Where Satan's chains once had been?

The answer is most certain,
Our God has lost not a thing.
There is nothing that exists,
To lift the crown from our King.

Committed to each of us,
A gospel of love and might.
It bears the strength to transform,
sinful scars to robes of white.

What God has placed in our hands,
Belongs not to us to hoard.
It is not a hidden jewel,
To be tucked away and stored.

This priceless truth must be taught
To the wealthy and the poor.
Without it how will they know,
To open salvation's door? 

This edict belongs to us,
It's on every page we read.
I must ask this question now,
"Will I make my Master plead?"