Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Precious in our Father's eyes,
Is the saint who in His grace dies.
Freed from all pain and strife,
Rewarded with the crown of life.

Precious when the race is run,
Is the saint who hears Christ's "Well done!"
Serving the King of kings,
Victorious in Christ they sing!

Precious thoughts of saints passed on,
Each deeply missed but far from gone.
What a cloud they comprise!
When we fall they shout, "Arise!"

Precious Jesus store my soul,
when lightning's flash and thunders roll.
Tell me when time is through,
That I have been precious to You.

Monday, August 12, 2013

I Can Hear Him Calling

I can hear my Savior calling, I can hear my Savior’s voice,

I can hear the One who died upon a tree.

Now the devil cannot stop me for that Savior is my choice,

And in Him I know I’ve gained the victory.


Brother can you hear Him calling, can you hear His voice today,

Have you tuned your ears to hear His welcome plea?

Don’t you turn your back upon Him, let Him in your life to stay,

It was He who died for you on Calvary!


Soon that trumpet will be sounding and our Lord will then descend,

Bringing with Him mighty angels and their swords.

There will be no more denying Him here at the very end,

Dearest brother, what will be your life’s reward?


I can hear the Savior calling, and I know He calls to me,

And I know I’ll never have to dwell alone.

For His blood spells forgiveness and that blood has set me free,

And I can hear my Savior calling me, “Come home!”