Like a delicious morsel sweet to the taste,
Is the scandalous rumor spoken in haste.
It goes down smooth and causes a stir,
And proceeds from the lips with a satisfied purr.
Like a dry forest now set ablaze,
There's no finding the source through the haze.
That which began as rumor is now stated as fact.
"You didn't hear this from me," the agreed upon pact.
A reputation is ruined as the story proceeds,
Rumor is never satisfied until it breeds.
Now here is anger and there is shame,
While the father of lies gladly takes blame.
How is the Lord honored in any of this?
To what does it lead if not the abyss?
Now suspicion, anger, and a desire to rend,
Dwell where unity and peace should have been.
May God be patient with the bearer of tales!
May they avoid the sudden chorus of wails!
Let them now recall their place as priest,
And pursue those things that make for peace!
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