Alexander begins in school today,
And I must confess a sense of dismay.
With his eyes so bright he can't wait to start,
While his daddy looks in with wistful heart.
New experiences greet my son's sight.
Just yesterday I held him that first night.
He smiles so wide while I'm nearly struck dumb.
Just yesterday he learned to squeeze my thumb.
I know it can't stay exactly the same.
Just yesterday he learned to say my name.
He's striding now so excited and tall.
Just yesterday my boy learned how to crawl.
Now off he goes with his markers and chalk.
Just yesterday he learned how to walk.
All I know to ask is where went the time?
Just yesterday he learned how to climb.
This is the the way of things, I know its true,
And I thrill at those smiling eyes of blue.
Now his life will change and he'll start to dream.
Just yesterday will be a constant theme.
Daddy loves you, buddy!